Raynor Naturopathic Acupressure Therapy
- Life Sculpting - The Art of Healing
Experience the transformative power of Raynor Naturopathic Acupressure Stress & Tension Release Therapy, a holistic bodywork system that is truly an art of internal rhythm and flow. Rooted in the wisdom of Ayurvedic Massage, Chinese Medicine, reflexology, Shiatsu, and yoga breathwork, this therapy places a special emphasis on the Eastern medical theory that views the physical body as a manifestation of a subtle body composed of life force (chi or prana), emotions, and other subtle energies. According to this philosophy, these elements are interconnected, influencing, and shaping one another.
Physical and emotional stressors can disrupt the flow of chi or prana, leading to blockages and tension in the body. Raynor Naturopathic Acupressure Massage Therapy addresses these issues by focusing on bands in the body composed of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other tissues. These bands are associated with subtle energy systems akin to Meridians in Chinese Medicine, Sen lines in Thai Massage, or Nadis in Ayurvedic Massage. The Raynor Band Theory, incorporating techniques, adjustments, stretches, and rhythm, has evolved from the integration of knowledge derived from these ancient modalities. Notably, Raynor Bands can often be physically traced and observed within the body.
Central to the effectiveness of Raynor Naturopathic Acupressure Massage Therapy is the development of my sense of touch and intuition, enabling accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment. The therapy also addresses often-neglected areas, including the abdomen, sacrum, hips, feet, hands, and head, where stagnation and blockages of life force commonly occur. By freeing these areas, the benefits extend beyond localized effects to positively impact the entire being.
This remarkable treatment utilises chopsticks on the hands and feet, allowing for the release of tension from areas that may be challenging to access with traditional methods.